Showing posts with label maid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maid. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


I was just told by my helper that she's leaving next month. Seems like her mind really is made up and there's nothing we can do to make her stay. 

Her goal of working here has already been achieved: To pay up her loan, and she has paid up everything this month. 

I know that everyone is selfish in their own way.. But as a FDW, aren't you supposed to put away everything back at home and about yourself when you come to work in someone's family? Just because your loan has already been paid up doesn't give you a valid & acceptable reason in employers view to "go home".

It's just not fair. So you can just leave and leave us panicking cause we've got an elderly at home to care for. 

Then my question is.. Why work as a foreign domestic worker when you can work as something else that doesn't need such a long contract period? 

Singapore is all about bonds, contracts and compensations, isn't it? 

But what about the foreigners who breached them? Why do we have to be the ones scratching our heads and frantically search for a replacement within this 1 month before she waves goodbye with no strings attached?

Friday, 31 May 2013

"A family that eats together, stays together"

I'm really glad that my family has finally decided to get a helper cause not only does the houseworks get done, we also get to have dinner every night! Gone were the days where I'm always home and would head straight into my room. I love home cooked meals best and having dinner with my family seated together even though we hardly exchange conversations. & now that my brother is extremely busy with work, having dinner with all of us together is also something that's hard to come by. 

I just hope that some issues could just be taken with a pinch of salt and seen with what's currently been done instead of the end result. 

Edit: Sigh, my happiness really is short-lived. I woke up this morning to hear that my maid has already made up her mind to terminate her contract come Jan 2014 when her contract ends at Dec 2014?!!

I'll have to draft up a breach of contract terms pronto!! HELP!